from the ECC Team
I’m sure that most can agree that the cryptocurrency market throughout the majority of this year hasn’t been the most THRILLING (in terms of price). Many projects that were soaring at all-time-highs back in December of 2017 and January of 2018 have retraced more than 60% from those prices including Bitcoin.
While this may not appear to be the most “exciting” time to be in the crypto market, it is definitely the truest. Teams have the opportunity to backlight their projects from a development standpoint in a way that seems to be somewhat overlooked during a bull market. This development can also be complimented and pushed outward with a nice touch of marketing.
And that is exactly what ECC intends to do!
Dev Update
The Eccoind development team has submitted the changelog for the next proposed release of Eccoind — As the community is aware, this is the update that will result in the completion of ANS in Sapphire, but there are a couple of other interesting tidbits to be found in the changelog that are worth mentioning below.
- Enable the test suite, start writing ECC specific tests.
The devs are working on adding Travis CI into the Eccoind development pipeline. Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub. Integration will allow for a more rapid and error-free deployment process.
Also, whenever someone checks-in code, the automated test suite that is set up through Travis runs and tells us if the new code breaks anything we’ve written tests for.
Travis CI will ensure our testing process goes much smoother in the future.
2. Eccoind now builds with Gitian.
Gitian is a tool that more and more open source projects are starting to use. Essentially, when someone makes changes to the C++ code, these changes need to be compiled into binaries (all the 1’s and 0’s not readable by humans). Whoever does the compiling could represent a single point of failure in the system.
Gitian is an open source software program that essentially ensures that, no matter which computer is used, the binaries turn out to be exactly the same. It is quickly becoming the standard in open source projects.
Marketing Update
The ANS video is now complete, and Video4Commerce did a fantastic job as usual with the production. Originally we promised an “in-your-face” style of video; however, our original music selection choice fell through due to an unexpectedly massive required royalty payment. As a result, we had to tone down the nature of the video a bit.
The song used in the video is called “Whatever you Choose” by GANZ, you can listen to it here.
Here are a couple of screenshots from the video:
The video will debut after community testing is complete and when ANS goes live. The video clocks in at 46 seconds (original estimate was 30 seconds).
The Bull Pen Podcast
A lot of great things have been happening with the The Bull Pen Podcast since it’s launch on August 21st such as positive feedback, statistics and collaborations with other successful companies and projects within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. The Crypto Bully, @MrCryptoCarlton, can’t speak much on it at the moment, but be on the lookout in the next ECC stand-up article for some awesome news and insight into exactly how well things have been going or you can join their Discord to find out things a little bit earlier. ;)
Also, don’t forget new episodes drop every Tuesday!
Until the next one everyone. Namaste!
Brent (@Mr. Plow) and Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton)