Building the Foundation

Good Audience
Published in
7 min readNov 18, 2018


from the ECC Team

I congratulate myself warmly for each accomplishment, then ask, “What’s next?” — Jonathan Lockwood Huie

After several months of dealing with lawyers, contracts, and miscellaneous paperwork, we are now pleased to announce that The ECC Foundation has been officially incorporated in the Netherlands and is registered through the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam!

This is a great accomplishment that needs to be celebrated — but it means that work has only just begun.

Why does ECC need a foundation?

For ECC to succeed, it will need to grow its reach in order to represent a much larger and more diverse community of stakeholders and users. The foundation was created primarily to help this transition occur. Consider it to be a gateway between the normal business world and a crypto open-source, decentralized project.

Foundation Mission:

‘’The mission of The ECC Foundation is to support the growth and implementation of existing and future services of the ECC Network, by spreading awareness and adoption of ECC’s services — making blockchain services user-friendly and available to the masses.’’

Key Pillars of The ECC Foundation

1. The ECC Foundation’s primary goal is supporting the growth and adoption of the ECC Network worldwide.

We aim for mass adoption of ECC’s technology among organizations and people which require the use of a cost-effective, easy-to-use encrypted messaging and file storage service. This includes giving aid to future developers looking to create their services on top of the ECC chain once the core services have been developed. The foundation, along with ECC Network, works to establish the tools for keeping your private life private while remaining simple and intuitive to use, giving users absolute digital security.

2. The ECC Foundation works closely with ECC Network’s core developers and provides financial assistance for advancement of the project.

The foundation aims to collect funds and connections for the future development of ECC. This includes raising funds for developer expenses and exchange listings. Given the project did not have a pre-mined development fund or an ICO, funds to date have come from generous community members. As we look at the crypto space, the marketing/exchange listing costs have routinely become a significant hurdle for smaller projects to expand their reach.

3. The ECC Foundation aims to be a model of transparency and openness.

All foundation members are contributors to ECC. None of them have been given ECC or any other kind of crypto or fiat currency for their work. The team has one thing in common: we are passionate about blockchain technology and the difference it can make for future generations, and we are willing dedicate our time to make ECC better. All funds put into and out of the foundation will be fully accounted for and made publicly available.

4. The ECC Foundation works in conjunction with environmentally sustainable and humanitarian focused organizations.

Leading by example is something we aim for and therefore The ECC Foundation is dedicating part of its resources to support environmental and humanitarian organizations around the world. As a secondary goal of the foundation, we will partner up with a select few charitable organizations who are striving to make the world a better place for future generations. ECC was originally founded on a green, environmentally-friendly image by using POS as it’s main consensus algorithm. We are going to continue to attempt to live up to these green values going forward. In the coming weeks we will debut the foundation’s website and we will show the foundation partners we are going to work with.

Board of Directors

As of November 18th, the board of directors of The ECC Foundation consists of:

  • Wim Sijberts
  • Tom Van Els
  • Dylan Aird

Board members are not paid for their participation and all work is voluntary. This does not mean the work is without 100% commitment, a detailed plan and great ambition. We foresee to growing the foundation’s board of directors over the next couple of months.

Foundation Friends

Friends of The ECC foundation are businesses and people that have contributed in the development of the ECC ecosystem either financially, gifts-in-kind, or through valuable strategic partnerships. Our current Foundation Friends are below:

Anyone who has any further ideas and would like to contribute to the growth of the foundation can approach Tom van Els (@Tomve) or Wim Sijberts(@Wim) via Discord.

We’re looking forward to what the future holds for The ECC Foundation. We have big plans, and this is only the beginning!

Dev Update

The development team has been working hard and continuing to perform bug fixes prior to the release of the new daemon version, As you can see below, is live and testing is ongoing. Expect more updates on this in the next stand-up article.

The dev team has also been hard at work updating Sapphire. Nick (@zuc0001) is completely rewriting a lot of the code base for Sapphire, and he has provided us with some new screenshots of the user interface (UI) changes which are still ongoing.

Also, under the advanced tab, you will be able to access the console which is currently only available in Lynx. This functionality will be part of the next Sapphire release, but the major UI changes will be made available later on.

Big thanks to Nick (@zuc0001) for all of his work to date!

Stats and Sponsorships

It has been exactly 83 days (almost 3 months) since the launch of The Bull Pen Podcast on August 21st and I’m sure plenty of you are wondering statistic wise how things have been going and exactly where we stand in comparison to all other podcasts worldwide.

Well let’s get into it!

Since it’s inception, The Bull Pen Podcast has approximately 41,585 unique downloads (includes Libsyn, iTunes, Sticher and Google Play) from the released 14 episodes to date equaling an average of 2970 unique downloads per episode.

When you account for the downloads from other platforms in which the podcast is also released (Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, DTube, Choon and Musicoin) that brings it to approximately 3400 unique downloads per episode.

Where does this place The Bull Pen Podcast? Within the top 10% of podcasts in the world!

A podcast episode that has been live approximately 30 days averages 141 downloads. If you have over 3400 downloads you are in the top 10%. If you have over 9000 downloads you are in the top 5%. Lastly, if you have over 50,000 downloads per episode (again after having it live for 30 days) you are in the top 1%. — Rob Walch, VP of Podcaster Relations at Libsyn (As quoted by

We are extremely proud to have accomplished this goal, but things don’t stop here. 2019 is foreseen to be a huge year for The Bull Pen Podcast with a sales and marketing budget and team coming into play as well as other huge marketing efforts and collaborations with other large blockchain and cryptocurrency projects and companies.

Pro-Golf Sports Sponsorship

Instant Sponsor — the revolutionary blockchain-powered sports sponsorship platform — has officially secured a sponsorship agreement between four-time PGA Tour Champion Scott Piercy and The Bull Pen Podcast.

The Bull Pen Podcast will sponsor the belly of Piercy’s bag during the week of the 2019 AT&T Byron Nelson Championship (approx. 10 millions viewers worldwide). Piercy will also make an appearance on The Bull Pen Podcast as a guest.

You can expect to see more the these types of sponsorships, including pro basketball and baseball, coming in the near future as The Bull Pen Podcast ramps up for an amazing 2019. You can also expect to see The Bitcoin Podcast Network and ECC included right along side.

Wikipedia vs. Everipedia

Also stay on the lookout for the Episode 13 which drops Tuesday, November 20th. Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton) a.k.a. The Crypto Bully will be chatting with the co-founder of Wikipedia and current Chief Information Officer of Everipedia. Dr. Larry Sanger speaks on the differences between Everipedia and Wikipedia, the importance of user experience/user interface when it comes to blockchain an cryptocurrency projects and shared thoughts with Lyndon on the “fun” of being near the Ohio State College campus during a football game.

See everyone in another two weeks!

Brent (@Mr. Plow) and Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton)

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