The Path to Growth

6 min readJul 1, 2018


from the ECC Team

“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” — Frank A. Clark

Dev Update

As a community coin, we face certain struggles that others do not. One of these issues is developer availability.

So let’s put it all out on the table. As most of you know, our lead Sapphire developer, Cristiano (@csmartins), did an outstanding job at building the base for Sapphire; the platform for all of ECC’s services. All of us here at ECC thank @csmartins for all of the time and effort he has devoted to getting Sapphire ready for the public.

Nonetheless, as a volunteer, sometimes real-life gets in the way. @csmartins has accepted a paid position with another crypto project. His priorities have now shifted; most of his attention will be focused on the job he is paid to perform, along with spending time with his family. @csmartins remains an avid supporter and plans to further contribute to ECC in the future.

We do have other developers who are devoting time to get ANS functional within Sapphire, and Dylan (@dolaned) is currently working with @csmartins on the ANS completion. However, a bug was recently found by one of our holders that is causing some validation issues within Sapphire when sending coins. Squashing that bug along with some other minor issues before ANS integration is completed is currently the priority.

We understand that the community is eagerly awaiting the release of ANS within Sapphire. After all, ANS is a service you can actually use with ECC. We want to stress that this ANS delay is a short term issue. However, in the long term, developer focus needs to continue to be driven toward core/blockchain development for ECC to move forward.

Let’s all welcome the new dev!

As a result, we are pleased to announce that a new developer has signed on and is eager to start contributing to the project to aid in core development. His name is Henry Young and he formerly did a lot of the core work for Reddcoin. He has not started yet as he is wrapping up a family vacation, and we are hopeful that he will begin contributing to the project in July. You can follow him on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn. He has already given ECC a fantastic endorsement.

That being said, looking towards the future of ECC, we do see a need for more developers on both the front-end (Sapphire, SPV mobile wallets) and back-end (wallet/daemon) in the near future. We are asking our community to put out a call — if you know someone who is interested in working on an open sourced project that aligns with Satoshi’s values, please contact @dolaned or @griffith. A suitable candidate would have a background in javascript, or UI/UX to help with the front-end development, or a background in C++ and a familiarity with blockchain technology. Developers can choose whether or not to remain anonymous.

Marketing Update

Our Marketing Lead, Wim Sijberts (@wim), attended the blockchain expo in Amsterdam on June 27–28th where he met with community member @Scolli and his colleague. During the expo, @wim also had some one-on-one meetings with some high level players in the blockchain space. This all goes to helping increase our contacts throughout the industry and to help make ECC more visible going forward.

Load Up!

We are moving our base over to Discord. There were two main reasons for this move: The first is due to Slack’s storage capacity, where Slack only keeps the previous 10,000 messages for unpaid accounts, and the amount Slack wanted to charge for upgrading our account was cost-prohibitive. The second reason is that Discord is much more common for networking within the crypto space, and many holders weren’t bothering with downloading Slack.

Slack will still remain operational however you will notice that most of the developers and team members have already moved over to Discord, and we encourage everyone to do the same. The link to join our discord is here.

The Bull Pen Podcast with The Crypto Bully powered by ECC

Things are moving along “full steam ahead” for the The Bull Pen Podcast thanks to ECC. The team has contributed a lot of time and effort into getting interviews for the podcast so that things will go off with a BANG! come launch day (exact launch date TBD).

One ECC team member in particular, Glenn Lee (@BreakingDead), has been extremely helpful and will be the official Digital Media Manager for The Bull Pen Podcast. Other team members include:

  • Tamar “HQ” Tyler and Dennis Preston (@DJs_NES) are both amazingly skillful in the realm of music production and will be the podcast’s Audio Producers/Engineers. They will be the one’s responsible for the radio ready sound quality associated with The Bull Pen Podcast. Dennis also has his own music related podcast show called Crypto Until Infinity which you can check out here.
  • Oliver Knight (@olivertheknight) comes with many talents that include acting, singing, rapping, music production, YouTube consulting and even trading on the stock market. The talent that made him most stand out to The Crypto Bully was his skill as a voice artist. Oliver will be the podcast’s Voice Over Specialist, and oh boy will everyone be in for a pleasant surprise!
  • Kevin Hall is the man responsible for most of the photography you will see on The Bull Pen Podcast’s website, which is currently under construction. For anyone who is looking for a top of the line professional and personable photographer, Kevin comes highly recommended. You can check out examples of his work here.

With a successful photo shoot last weekend and the website underway, things are on the up and up for The Bull Pen Podcast. Be on the lookout in the near future for an exact launch date.

WWSS Update

The “What Would Satoshi Say?” project is nearing its final stages and has been successful in facilitating connections between the ECC team and a handful of industry experts, including exchange contacts, crypto media, blockchain developers and social influencers.

Further, #WWSS has given our own Lyndon “The Crypto Bully” Morgan II (@MrCryptoCarlton), the chance to interview major crypto players, like John McAfee, Travis Wright, Warren Whitlock, Sam Ball, and others for The Bull Pen Podcast powered by ECC. Each of these industry experts have commented on the ECC community and our project during their interviews.

To facilitate a final wave of survey participation we are releasing data about when survey participants believe crypto will become the world’s primary currency. The article can be accessed here, 62% of WWSS Study Predict Crypto as World’s Primary Currency by 2038.

We will be keeping the survey open for several more weeks before starting voting on top answers. If you haven’t taken the #WWSS questionnaire yet, please click here.

Overall, things are moving in an increasingly positive direction for ECC and everyone should be looking forward to the progress over the next few weeks.

Until next time!

Brent (@Mr. Plow), Kevin (@ECCbuddha), and Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton)

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