Weekly Dev Stand-up — Apr 15, 2018

3 min readApr 15, 2018


from the ECC Team

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

— Winston Churchill

The ECC family brings much validation to this quote through the countless members of our community that continually give. They bring life to this project by dedicating their time to inform the world about our WHY, and with only 5 days left until the release of Sapphire and ANS, it only continues to grow more authentic.

As an example, within the first 7 days of beginning the latest ECC Thunderclap campaign for the Sapphire and ANS release, our community managed to bring in a social reach of over 11 million people. The effort to do so is nothing short of amazing, and it’s still steadily climbing!

With more and more people becoming aware of ECC on the daily, thanks to all of you, it is becoming apparent that we are all tuned into something HUGE taking place within the crypto space. NO unnecessary hype! NO marketing gimmicks! NO lack of transparency! Just a real project, created by real people, supported by a real community. This is what ECC brings to the table.

As we continue to approach April 20th, the ECC team will continue dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s of Sapphire and ANS to ensure a smooth release, while also tying in new marketing efforts. Below is a recap of this past week’s efforts, and should paint a nice picture as to what is to come in the near future from ECC.

Everyone hold on to your hats…

Sapphire and ANS are almost here.

Greg: We are making the final adjustments to the first version of ANS and are currently internally testing it.

Cristiano: I have been squashing bugs in relation to Sapphire’s UI to make sure everything is ready for its release.

Devin: Finished integrating ANS functionality into Sapphire, and completing various bug fixes.

Dylan: I’ve been working on Sapphire, fixing bugs, tweaking the UI, and setting up a proper updating method in order to be ready for the release.

Sean: I’ve been working on coordinating the upcoming launch, testing Sapphire and ANS, supporting marketing efforts, and working on finding more partners and exchanges.

Troy: I have been jamming through some APIs for client apps. This will allow us to do some pretty cool things for the wallets without having to manually push out updates.

Lukas: In the final phase of polishing translations on the test website. These will be released to the live website as soon as they are validated. Also, individual testers are already reporting in to the dev team to begin user testing on Sapphire and ANS, and we are preparing for more updates in the coming week.

Wim: We are working very hard at the moment to get onto other exchanges and have created an elaborate plan (which is still in it early stages) to make that work. Also, proud of the thunderclap reach and at the moment in contact with different parties for potential partnerships.

Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton)

Please take a moment to help boost our social presence.



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